MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s wife barred from seeing him

February 9, 2018
| Report Focus News

The wife of ailing MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai is being denied access to visit him in a Johannesburg hospital where the 65-year-old opposition leader is receiving medical treatment, his spokesperson has confirmed.

There was a scuffle on Wednesday at South Africa’s Wits Gordon Hospital, where former Zimbabwe Prime Minister and Movement for Democratic Change Leader Morgan Tsvangirai is battling for his life with cancer.

According to an eyewitness, Tsvangirai ‘s wife Elizabeth Macheka was denied access to see her husband and blamed for the causing illness among other things by members of the husband’s family. As a result, a heated argument erupted and nearly went into a full-blown fight until members of the security intervened to control the situation.

Since Sunday, no visitors were allowed in his ward as the condition continues to worsen. Tsvangirai’s entire family including his mother are at the hospital, but Elizabeth was this week denied access.

Efforts to get a comment from Elizabeth were fruitless as her mobile phone went unanswered.