New Political party in the making in Zimbabwe, and Robert Mugabe may lead it

February 5, 2018
| Report Focus News

Suggestions of a new political party have begun to emerge from the losing Zanu PF faction which would include Robert Mugabe and former vice president Joice Mujuru as well as Grace Mugabe and some former members of the ruling party who are now in exile.

Emmerson Mnangagwa, assisted by the military, took over the government last November after he was sacked from his vice president’s post.

Mugabe resigned from power to avoid impeachment and met with Mujuru last week.

He sacked her in 2014 and she was then expelled from the party and formed her own small party and was expected to stand as a presidential candidate at elections later this year.

After the soft coup d’etat, Grace Mugabe and other leading lights in Zanu PF who were loyal to her were also expelled.

But a new political party is in the making called The New Patriotic Front and it has written to SADC and the AU saying that the take-over by Mnangagwa was illegal and has called on troops to go into action in Zimbabwe to restore Mugabe’s administration.

One of those involved in this exercise is Mugabe’s nephew Patrick Zhuwao, who is presently living in South Africa.

Last week Mugabe invited Mujuru to his blue roofed mansion in Harare and apologised to her and she told staffers after their meeting he had encouraged her to “work together” with him.

The Sunday Mail, largely controlled by the government of the day, says that Mujuru, the two Mugabes and others, mostly now in exile, are considering an alliance to fight elections later this year.

Some suggest Mugabe himself who will be 94 on February 22, might stand again for the new party.

Zanu PF Politburo member and war veterans chair Victor Matemadanda said anyone was was free to form a political party.

Referring to Mugabe’s nephew, he said: “One thing people like Zhuwao should not forget is that Zimbabwe is in a mess right now because of his uncle and the cabal that made Zimbabweans suffer because of corruption and neglecting developmental issues. Every Zimbabwean is battling economic hardships.”

There are now more then 70 political parties in Zimbabwe, all hoping to fight elections.