LATEST: Zanu PF Politburo meets

January 31, 2018
| Report Focus News

The Zanu PF politburo is holding its 316th ordinary meeting at the party headquarters in Harare this Wednesday.

The President and First Secretary of the party, Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa arrived at the party headquarters 10 am on the dot and was immediately welcomed by the Youth League who showed him their social media-based campaign launch for the 2018 elections.

The Zanu PF Secretary for Youth Affairs Cde Pupurai Togarepi said the campaign, dubbed #EDHASMYVOTE, will be rolled out in all the provinces.

The meeting kicked off with few remarks by President Mnangagwa and followed by reports from different departments of the party.

Vice President Retired General Dr Constantino Chiwenga, who chairs the committee monitoring the rampant price increases by the retail sector, is expected to present a report on the situation in the sector.

More details to follow…