Ultimatum for Zimbabwe government officials to declare assets

January 23, 2018
| Report Focus News

The government has given senior public service officers until 28 February to declare their assets.

In a statement to the ZBC News today, the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr Misheck Sibanda said those now mandated to declare assets are ministers, deputy ministers, heads of ministries, senior principal directors, board chairpersons and board members, chief executive officers of state enterprises, all chairpersons and members of constitutional commissions (both executive and independent, and chief executives of local authorities.

“The declaration of assets document should contain the following: details of all immovable property owned by the public servant or those in which he or she has an interest; any item of movable property, exceeding one-hundred thousand dollars in value owned or leased by the individual concerned or in which he or she has any other interest; and any business in which the individual has an interest in and/or in which he or she plays a part in running. The nature of the interest in the property or business concerned should be clearly stated,” said Dr Sibanda.

He added that the declaration of assets documents should be submitted under a sealed envelope to his office not later than the 28th of February 2018.

In the meantime Dr Sibanda has directed heads of ministries to co-ordinate the collection and submission of all declarations in respect of designated grades within their ministries as well as in public entities and constitutional bodies under their supervision.

He expressed hope that he will receive full co-operation by all affected office bearers in response to the directive as being expected by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Dr Sibanda said the latest development is in line with President Mnangagwa’s inaugural address in November last year, in which he pledged to create a responsible, transparent and accountable public service workforce that is sworn to high moral standards and deserved rewards.