Kenya denies giving asylum to Ex Zimbabwean minister Jonathan Moyo

January 7, 2018
| Report Focus News

In an interview on Kenyan national television on Saturday, Kenyan Government Spokesman Eric Kiraithe denied claims that Moyo is in the country as a political refugee.

“I would have known if he was in the country,” Mr Kiraithe told the Nation on Saturday. “Political asylum is a security issue and his request would have been processed by the NSAC (National Security Advisory Council) and the Cabinet.”

Since the Zimbabwe Defence Forces led Operation Restore Legacy which saw the fall of former President Robert Mugabe and the ZANU PF G40 faction in November, there has been speculation that Moyo and his other G40 leader Saviour Kasukuwere are in Nairobi in the hands of the Kenyan government.

Moyo is believed to have been the brains behind the G40 faction within the ruling ZANU PF which was scheming for former First Lady Grace Mugabe to become president when Mugabe retired.

However, since Mugabe’s ouster, there has been speculation within ZANU PF and local media that Moyo escaped to Nairobi together with Kasukuwere from where the government says the two have been hatching plans to regroup members of the G40 faction to make sure ZANU PF loses the general elections comimg up later this year.

The claims by the Kenyan government raise questions where Moyo could be as wild speculation continued that he is being held by the Mnangagwa government which could have hacked into his Twitter account to throw misleading information that the two former ministers are safe exiled in Kenya.