President Mnangagwa Runs No Twitter, Facebook Account

December 31, 2017
| Report Focus News
Government says that President Emerson Mnangagwa and his wife do not run any social media accounts.

Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa is a former intelligence and defence chief [Tendai Marima/Al Jazeera]

In a statement yesterday, Information, Media and Broadcasting Services secretary George Charamba urged the public to remain watchful of such accounts, presented as official communication channels belonging to President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his family.“The ministry of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services wishes to advise members of the public that public communication involving the first family is conducted through official channels only,” Charamba said.

“This advisory comes against reports of rampant abuse of social media platforms by some criminal elements who have opened social media platforms in the name of the first family without their blessing and who are using the same accounts to extort money from unsuspecting members of the public.”

Charamba’s statement comes in the back of questions on the authenticity of a Twitter account running under the President’s name, which takes swipe at people with opposing views to the President and his government.

Charamba said such accounts should be reported to the police.

He warned perpetrators that they would soon face the music for their misdeeds.

“Any communication ascribed to the first family riding on social media platforms, but which are outside the official channels should be treated with caution and, in any case, cross-checked with the ministry or office of the president and cabinet,” he said.