Sheperd Bushiri’s Mohadi prophecy comes to pass

December 27, 2017
| Report Focus News

HARARE – Malawian preacher Shepherd Bushiri’s November 2016 prophecy that Defence, Security and War Veterans minister Kembo Mohadi would “go higher and higher” in his political career has come to pass after the senior politician was appointed vice president of the ruling Zanu PF party last weekend.

By this token, Mohadi is set to become one of the country’s two vice presidents, alongside former army general Constantino Chiwenga, as has been the tradition.

Last year, Mohadi — who is battling a divorce case with his wife, Tambudzani, of 18 years — attended a sermon by Bushiri in South Africa, during which the flamboyant preacher prophesied that the Zanu PF official would land a top political post, much to the surprise of many, as the prophecy coincided with heated succession fights in the long-ruling party.

Bushiri predicted: “I am seeing you going higher and higher, nothing bad will happen to you, I am seeing promotion coming your way, I am seeing a crown on your head, because I am seeing the spiritual realm.”

He went on: “I am seeing someone from Chitungwiza, do you know a place called Chitungwiza? Do you know a place called Borrowdale? I am seeing two people from Borrowdale driving to Chitungwiza to meet a witchdoctor, where they are told wherever he steps remove the soil and kill this man and all of a sudden you begin having these crazy things moving in your body and all these attacks and sometimes you feel like (there is) sand in your eyes.”

As if confirming the trials and tribulations that Mohadi was to go through before being “crowned”, Bushiri said the politician was being targeted by rivals, who sought to intercept his rise.

“I am seeing arrows against you, but none of them shall prosper. I am seeing somebody holding a spear targeting that man (Mohadi), and this man is visiting all these witchdoctors and you have been going through a lot but God has been protecting you,” Bushiri said.

“But listen to me,” Bushiri said, “there’s a shield of fire that surrounds you.”

“People are hating (sic) you because of your position. (They are saying) how can this man be a minister of State for Security, how can this man be having (sic) this position? But the hand of God is with you, He will protect you.”

After the prophecy, the controversial preacher then gave Mohadi a white handkerchief, which he said he should use each time he felt under threat, adding that if he used it to pray, he would receive miracles.

Barely two months ago, no one could have dreamt Mohadi assuming the second most important position in the country, as he faced expulsion from his party and government under the former president Robert Mugabe’s administration.

Mohadi was under the cosh for being the vice president now president Emmerson Mnangagwa’s sympathiser. His province had already started pushing for his expulsion, following the dismissal of Mnangagwa.

It was only on November 15, 2017 when the situation took a drastic turn after the army took over government culminating in Mugabe’s resignation.

It was then that Mnangagwa’s team gained ground, leading to a dramatic rebound of some who had been dropped along the way for supporting Mnangagwa.

But much to all this dramatic turn of events is the prophecy on Mohadi, which came to pass through an announcement last Saturday by presidential press secretary George Charamba, confirming the politician was now one of the two vice presidents of the ruling party.

“The president and first secretary of the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union — Patriotic Front, Zanu PF, …. Mnangagwa, has today made two senior party appointments: General Constantino Guvheya Dominic Nyikadzino Chiwenga (Rtd), as vice president and second secretary of the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (Zanu PF).

“Hon. Kembo CD Mohadi, MP, as vice president and second secretary of the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (Zanu PF). The party appointments are with immediate effect,” Charamba said.

The announcement came exactly a year after the prophecy was made and not many who heard had believed, but it set people talking.

Zanu PF officials are known for being superstitious.

A decade ago, Zanu PF led a high-powered delegation to Chinhoyi after being duped by convict Rotina Mavhunga that pure diesel was oozing from a rock, in one of the most embarrassing incidents to Mugabe’s ruling party.

Zanu PF officials have previously been embroiled in superstitious spiritual rituals that saw the party bigwigs attend church gatherings in full Vapositori regalia.

Mugabe, ex-first lady Grace, other Zanu PF officials and even Mnangagwa, have once attended Vapositori sects where prophecies about their future have been made.

When Mohadi visited Bushiri, he however, received serious criticism from Mugabe, who said believing in such kind of people was a mockery.

Daily News