President Mnangagwa to keep politburo intact

December 14, 2017
| Report Focus News

HARARE – Zanu PF leader, Emmerson Mnangagwa, has dismissed fears that allies of former president Robert Mugabe would be pushed out of the party’s politburo and central committee.

Mnangagwa gave the assurance in his opening remarks delivered at the party’s politburo meeting held in Harare yesterday.

Party’s spokesperson, Simon Khaya-Moyo, told journalists after the meeting that Mnangagwa said he would ensure that “the life of the politburo and the central committee will run their full terms and all anxiety should migrate and members should be ready to work assiduously for the party.

Zanu PF goes to its extraordinary congress tomorrow (Friday).

The congress is expected to ratify resolutions of a special central committee meeting held on November 19.

These include endorsing Mnangagwa as party leader.

Khaya-Moyo said preparations for the special congress were more than 95 percent complete, with sufficient resources having been mobilised for the event.

Nearly 8,000 people will attend the congress, with 5 295 of them being delegates.

According to Khaya-Moyo, all sister liberation movements in the southern region have confirmed their participation, including the Communist Party of China.

“The new dispensation has rejuvenated and reignited confidence and support across the nation. This is a good indicator of where the party will be in 2018 as we hold harmonised elections,” said the Zanu PF spokesperson.

During yesterday’s politburo meeting, the minister of Lands Agriculture and Rural Settlement Parrence Shiri gave an update on the state of agriculture in the country.

Shiri revealed that the country had enough maize to sustain it until the next season.

He also assured the politburo that the 2017/18 season was in full swing and demand of inputs under Command Agriculture had risen.

“The presidential input scheme and cotton input scheme are also underway and are expected to cover more households this season,” said Khaya-Moyo.

“The Cabinet had already approved the concept note of the livestock, fisheries and wild life production this will start with the growing of pastures that will increase the biomass of our livestock,” he added.

The party’s secretary of legal affairs, Patrick Chinamasa, who is also the minister of Finance, also gave an update on the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation.

“He (Chinamasa) informed the politburo that the new dispensation in the country has brought hope and confidence in the economy and indications are showing positive growth. The budget has been positively received and has started to stimulate growth in the economy and will reverse the negative perception of the country abroad,” said Khaya-Moyo.

“Efforts are underway to get the National Railways of Zimbabwe and the Cold Storage Company functional again and employ the youths. Vocational training centres will be established in each administrative district.”