MDC alliance’s United States crusade disappoints govt

December 13, 2017
| Report Focus News

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Retired Major General Dr Sibusiso Moyo says it is shocking to watch fellow Zimbabweans led by Tendai Biti, Dewa Mavhinga and Peter Godwin take turns before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee to tarnish and further soil the image of their country, Zimbabwe.

In a statement Dr Moyo said it is ironic that fellow Zimbabweans were performing their macabre charade only hours after he had met the US Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Mr Harry Thomas Junior in his office in Harare, amicably to outline how the two nations could re-engage and pursue measures which will benefit people from both countries

“Zimbabwe’s new government has been in office for shorter than two weeks [and] it is staggering that these gentlemen should have expected the deeds of 37 years to be corrected and livelihoods improved in such a short time,” he said.

“As if that myopia was not enough, the trio and others requested their American hosts for more of the same policies which have inflicted suffering on our people. How could any serious putative future leader of our country ask that ZIDERA remains in place?” the Minister added.

He also said Zimbabweans from all walks of life know that the damaging US sanctions against Zimbabwe cause little discomfort to the political elite and the well-off, as represented by the trio on their junkate in Washington DC.

Instead, he said, “All of us should be working to revive our economy, till our fertile soil and trade more competitively so that we all realise better health delivery, education and improved welfare in general.”

Retired Major General Moyo also said any internal disagreements should be resolved by Zimbabweans engaging with one another.

“There is no need to invite outside referees whose own fate has no relationship to ours. Let us advance our political goals without inviting punitive measures by strangers on our fellow citizens,” he said.

On next year’s elections, Retired Major General Moyo as President Emmerson Mnangagwa said upon taking office, Zimbabwe shall hold peaceful elections in 2018 guided by SADC principles and African Union recommendations.

“Any leadership changes can therefore be gotten at the ballot box. There is no need to go abroad and seek assistance to further harm one’s own country. All Zimbabweans are free to canvas for political fortunes of their choice. Let us do this without reversing the promise of our new dawn. All nations of goodwill are invited to assist us to regain our position in the family of nations, not as beggars but, as a prospering and vibrant democracy,” he said.

He also said it is therefore incumbent upon every Zimbabwean to contribute towards the elimination of any threats to the peace and stability of the country.