The Zanu-PF Politburo meeting, which was scheduled to take place at the revolutionary party’s headquarters in Harare today, has been postponed until tomorrow.
The revolutionary party also moved the Central Committee meeting penciled for Wednesday to Thursday.
Zanu-PF spokesperson Cde Simon Khaya Moyo confirmed the changes.
“The Zanu-PF Politburo meeting scheduled for today has been postponed to tomorrow Wednesday December 13, 2017 at the same venue (Zanu-PF headquarters) at 10 am,” he said.
“The Central Committee meeting scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday) will now be held on Thursday December 14, 2017 at the same venue at 10 am.
“All members affected are advised to be seated by 10am respectively without fail. Any inconvenience is sincerely regretted.”
The two high-level meetings mark the beginning of processes leading to the Zanu-PF Extraordinary Congress slated for Friday.
Delegates are tomorrow expected to start arriving for the one-day event to be held at the Robert Mugabe Square in Harare.
Officials spent the better part of today accrediting some delegates at the party headquarters, with accreditation of most delegates having been completed in their respective provinces.