Zimbabwe Grade 7 results missing

December 10, 2017
Zimbabwe Schools Examinations Council Zimsec | Report Focus News
Zimbabwe Schools Examinations Council (Zimsec)

A number of schools in Matabeleland North did not receive their Grade Seven results, it has been learnt.

School heads who spoke to Sunday News said they have been stuck at the provincial education offices in Lupane for the past five days with officials alleging that the results had been lost in Manicaland and they were now trying to transport them back to the province.

Some of the schools whose results are said to be missing are St George and Shabula Primary Schools.

“Initially it was the entire province but they managed to trace some of the results to Manicaland and brought them back to the province. However, not all the results were recovered, as most schools starting with the letter S still have not received the results.

“We have tried to make enquiries with Harare but we were just told to be patient as they are trying to trace them, what is more painful is that schools have closed but nothing seems to be coming up,” said one of the school heads.

The school heads said pupils at their schools who sat for the examinations are now being affected as they require result slips for them to proceed to Form One.

“When you look at it, this is affecting the pupils psychologically because some of their colleagues got their results at the beginning of the week. They have been coming to school every day to check for their results and we tell them there is nothing.

“We believe that if Zimsec has seen that the results are missing they can simply print new ones as they have them in their system, it is that simple,” said one of the heads.

Contacted for comment, Zimsec spokesperson Ms Nicky Dlamini professed ignorance on the matter saying since it was a weekend she was yet to get a report on the matter.

“As you know we are closed on weekends and you are talking about something which is currently happening, I will have to call the offices and find out what really is happening. Can you please contact me later in the day I might know what is really happening,” said Ms Dlamini.

However, Ms Dlamini’s mobile phone went unanswered when contacted later.