ZRP Boss Chihuri should be ashamed and resign – Mutsvangwa

December 8, 2017
 | Report Focus News
Special advisor to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Christopher Mutsvangwa said the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri , should be ashamed of himself and resign.

Chihuri has of late become very unpopular figure with Zimbabweans from all divides who accuse him of heading a corrupt organisation that allegedly protects criminals while violating human rights.

The ZRP has also come under fire from the public who accuse it of mounting numerous roadblocks along the country’s roads in order to extort them through spot fines.

The public showed its immense disapproval when they heckled and booed Chihuri when he was taking his oath of allegiance at the inauguration of President Mnangagwa.

Mutsvangwa said that the issue of Chihuri staying on as the Commissioner-General was between him and President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

He went on to say that if people did not approve of Chihuri, then it was up to him to listen to the people’s wishes and the dictates of his conscience.

“I am not in a position to confer his ouster. It’s a matter between him and his principal. Chihuri has a privileged relationship with the president and the government. If the people have reservations against him, then it’s up to him to listen to his conscience,”said Mutsvangwa.