Grace Mugabe, Emmerson Mnangagwa tiff exposed

December 8, 2017
| Report Focus News

Presidential spokesperson George Charamba has for the first time given insights into some of the factors that contributed to the frosty relationship between former president Robert Mugabe and his wartime colleagues.

In his last days in office, Mugabe had been cut off from the old guard in Zanu PF, and out on a short leash by members of the Generation 40 (G40) faction, which drew clout from former first lady, Grace.

The tension was escalated by a wide range of issues and interestingly Grace lashed out at Mnangagwa for taking her ideas and presenting them to the nation as if they were his.

She claimed at one of the youth interface rallies that she was the brainchild of the Command Agriculture programme, profiled as one of the signature projects of Mnangagwa.
