JUST IN: Stop purging, stop co-options: Cde Simon Khaya

November 29, 2017
| Report Focus News

Zanu PF Secretary for Information and Publicity Cde Simon Khaya Moyo says the party is deeply disturbed to note that the purging of members and effecting of co-options has continued to take place despite a statement issued by the party on the 26th of this month ordering provinces to stop the exercise pending further directions.

In a statement issued at the party headquarters in Harare this Wednesday, Cde Simon Khaya Moyo said it is further disturbing to note that the purges have extended to national structures.

He said the party will descend heavily on those members who fail to pay heed to the instruction.

Cde Khaya Moyo said the resolution adopted by the Special Session of the Central Committee on the19th of this month stating that provincial councils and subordinate organs, that is, provincial, district and branch councils who were suspended or expelled from the party subsequent to the 2014 National People’s Congress should be reinstated to their positions is still to be ratified by the Extraordinary Congress prior to implementation.

“Party members should therefore stop allocating themselves positions forthwith. The party shall issue formal communication clearly setting out the procedures and guidelines to be followed in implementing the resolution,” clarified Cde Moyo.

He explained that some appointments are the prerogative of the President and First Secretary of the Party. ZBC