Kasukuwere Wanted To Become President Of Zimbabwe : Chinamasa

November 28, 2017
| Report Focus News

The former Cyber Crime Minister Patrick Chinamasa claims that Saviour Kasukuwere wanted the Presidency.
Chinamasa made these commenrs while revealing that the war veterans are now going to occupy strategic positions in government.

The acting Finance Minister said Zanu-PF has since resolved that war veterans should hold strategic positions in the party.

He said this will prevent the power struggles that led to the G40 and Lacoste faction wars.

Speaking at the Manicaland extraordinary provincial central committee (PCC) meeting held in Mutare on Sunday, he said, “We sat as the Central Committee and resolved that as we go forward we should respect the war veterans,

“We agreed that they should be in strategic positions of the party and Government, as long as they have requisite qualifications.

“When the G40 cabal came in, they shoved the war veterans away. As we discussed further, we realised that part of the problems we were facing were there because we didn’t have a political commissar.

“The one who was there had ambitions to be the president of the country — something he would achieve by dividing the people in the party.

“I am sure that when we will be selecting a political commissar, we should pick someone who is a war veteran.”

Chinamasa said the Central Committee has resolved to reverse dismisals done as far back as 2014 by the former Secretary for Administration, Didymus Mutas