Chombo and Chipanga denied bail for their own safety

November 27, 2017
| Report Focus News

Former Finance Minister, Dr Ignatius Chombo and former Zanu PF Secretary for Youth Affairs, Kudzanayi Chipanga have been denied bail and will remain in custody after being  remanded to December 8 this year.

Dr Chombo appeared before Harare magistrate, Mr Elisha Singano, while Chipanga appeared before magistrate, Ms Josephine Sande.

Dr Chombo, who is represented by Professor Lovemore Madhuku, had proposed that he can hand over title deeds of his house and report three times every day at Marlborough Police Station in order to be released on bail.

However, Mr Singano did not rule in Dr Chombo’s favour on the grounds of possible interference and the accused being a flight risk.

Dr Chombo is facing charges of defeating the Prevention of Corruption Act, criminal abuse of office and fraud dating back to 2003.

Also dismissing bail application for Chipanga, who is facing charges of publishing falsehoods, Ms Josephine Sande said if released on bail, Chipanga’s life will be at risk.

She said there is a possibility that the same people whom he claimed had kidnapped him can abduct him again.

Professor Madhuku pleaded with the court to give Chipanga stringent bail conditions that include reporting every day at Borrowdale Police Station and allowing the police to visit his place of residence at any given time among other conditions.

However, the court ruled that it is in Chipanga’s interest to remain in custody.

Professor Madhuku, who is representing the duo argued that section 50 of the constitution provides that bail is now a constitutional right unless the state gives compelling reasons to deny an accused bail in terms of section 117 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act.