November 23, 2017
Emmerson Mnangagwa | Report Focus News
Emmerson Mnangagwa,

1. He oversaw the mass murder of 20,000 innocent civilians during his tenure as the army general in the 1980 war.

2. He forced people to dance on freshly dug graves of their relatives at gunpoint when he was in the army.

4. He was the tool of implementation of Mugabe’s draconian rules over his subjects to pacify them.

4. He presided over the perpetual rigging of election for Mugabe in his capacity as ZANU-PF Campaigns Manager.

5. He led Zimbabwe troops to DR Congo during their civil war only to end up looting the natural resources like gold.

6. Masterminded the attacks and unleashed campaign of violence on Tsangirai’s supporters in 2008.

7. He was the link between Zanu-PF campaign machinery and the country’s intelligence plus the army.

8. He has eliminated dozens of his critics and Mugabe’s vehement opposers and once threatened Morgan Tsvangirai who had to abandon his presidential ambitions.