Breaking : Zimbabwean Man Jailed For Life In UK For Murdering His Wife

November 23, 2017
| Report Focus News

A Zimbabwean who butchered his wife in the UK has been jailed for life. Norbert Chikerema was found guilty of murdering his wife, Nyasha Kahari, and dumping her body in a supermarket car park.

Chikerema will serve a minimum of 22 years after he struck Kahari, a mother of four, at least 40 times with numerous weapons, including an axe, before driving her body to Lidl in Tile Cross.

The court heard previously that Chikerema and his wife, also known as Gillian, ran a nursing home business and that he believed she was seeing another man.

Stephen Davies, District Crown Prosecutor with West Midlands Crown Prosecution Service, said: “Unable to cope with his belief that his wife was having an extramarital affair, Norbert Chikerema armed himself with an axe, took his wife to an unknown location and launched a frenzied and fatal attack on her.

“This was a premeditated killing where the defendant had taken weapons with him to the scene and used them to commit the crime.

“Our thoughts are today with the family and friends of Nyasha Kahari.”

Chikerema had previously employed a private detective to follow his wife and during the course of that morning had sent a video to a number of family friends of her meeting another man who he knew.

The killer had previously employed a private detective to follow his wife around because he believed she was cheating on him.