Breaking : Saviour Kasukuwere’s house looted

November 23, 2017
| Report Focus News

Zimbabwe’s only independent member of Parliament and former Zanu-PF member Temba Mliswa says has reported that Saviour Kasukuwere’s residency has been looted.

Kasukuwere is at the centre of the storm for his alleged allegiance to embattled former President Robert in the current winds of change blowing in Zimbabwe.

Mliswa said, “I have heard some very disturbing news where people are LOOTING property from Minister Kasukuwere’s residents! This is foul play from a third hand, those who have done this must be brought to book. What kind of a culture are we inheriting.”


This has heightened speculation that Kasukuwere and other G40 officials have left the country as it appears the future of Mugabe as the leader is now uncertain.