Zimbabweans : There won’t be much of a change under Zanu-PF

November 22, 2017
| Report Focus News

Zimbabwe – Despite the celebrations that followed the resignation of Zimbabwe’s former president Robert Mugabe on Tuesday, there is still uncertainty among Zimbabweans about the country’s future under ruling party Zanu-PF.

Mugabe resigned on Tuesday following a military takeover and mass protests demanding that he step down.

He had been at the helm of the country’s government for 37 years.

Esteri Magaisa, a Zimbabwean who moved to South Africa two years ago, told Report Focus News on Wednesday that she remained sceptical despite the change of power.

“I don’t think there will be much change given that Zimbabwe is still under Zanu-PF rule. Zanu-PF is not just about Mugabe, it’s a system,” she said.

“They ate and dined together, they are all corrupt. So what will change? Beyond fighting individuals, we must fight the repressive system altogether.”

She said Mugabe’s successor should make use of the positive mood Zimbabwe currently finds itself in.