Speaker speaks on swearing-in on Mnangagwa

November 22, 2017
| Report Focus News

The Speaker of the National Assembly, Advocate Jacob Mudenda has fulfilled the constitutional requirement of informing the nation of the resignation of President Robert Gabriel Mugabe.

Speaking at a press conference at Parliament Building this afternoon, Advocate Mudenda said the ruling Zanu PF party has formally notified him, in terms of the constitution, that the party has nominated former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa to replace Robert Mugabe as president of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

Advocate Mudenda added that parliament has informed the Chief Secretary to the Office of President and Cabinet Dr Misheck Sibanda of the nomination of Mnangagwa in order for him to arrange for his swearing in as the president of Zimbabwe.

The Speaker of National Assembly said Dr Sibanda is the marking the necessary arrangements for the swearing in which is set for this Friday.

The former vice president had been out of the country after he was sacked from both party and government.
