Zanu PF Masvingo province youth chair faces arrest

November 21, 2017
| Report Focus News

MASVINGO provincial youth chairperson Norbert Ndaarombe and two other Zanu PF members are facing assault charges after they allegedly bashed a colleague during an aborted provincial coordinating committee meting organised to boot out former Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s allies.


Masvingo police provincial spokesperson Inspector Charity Mazula confirmed the incident, but could not give further details.
“We have that report. I have to check the details because I don’t have them at hand. I will have to get the actual details,” she said.

Ndaarombe together with ward 32 youth chairperson Rugare Diggo Zvikuva and Pearson Makaranga of ward 22 all of Bikita West are accused of assaulting youth league secretary for science and technology Tichaona Delight Mandebvu.

The alleged attack came after provincial political commissar Jeppy Jaboon had labelled Mandebvu a Mnangagwa ally.

Mandebvu reported the case at Bikita Police Station before the case was referred to Masvingo CID Law and Order section.

He claimed that he lost two mobile phones – GTel and Samsung – and $500 during the melee.

According to provincial youth league secretary for health Samson Marecha the meeting turned violent after Jaboon, singled Mandebvu out as he ordered acting provincial secretary, Denford Masiya to write prohibitive letters to Bikita East ward 17 main wing secretary for gender and culture Amos Mufundikwa, national consultative assembly members Shadreck Mahove and one Nhongonhema and provincial political commissar youth vice-chairperson Tasara Usiku.

The purges on Mnangagwa supporters came to a screeching halt following the military intervention last week, culminating in a weekend Zanu PF central committee resolution to recall President Robert Mugabe and all G40 members. Newsday