Gen Chiwenga unmoved by condemnation by Sadc over Mugabe’s push out

November 20, 2017
| Report Focus News
Zimbabwe Army General Constantino Chiwenga

Zimbabwean army chief General Constantino Guvheya Chiwenga is reported to have remained resolute saying Robert Mugabe will not be given another bite of the cherry as a President.

Sources said Chiwenga was unmoved with Sadc’s call that constitution must be followed but his sentiments were loud and clear that those countries from outside must not ignite fire in the event that they support Mugabe by military means.

“Lest they forget that they stand ready to repel any insurgency from Mugabe’s external allies. Asked why the army took that route, our man of the moment reiterated that Mugabe has forgotten the people in total neglect of the nation as well as running over the constitution.

The game is much in the hands of the military and Mugabe will go whether he likes it or not. In support of the current situation all concerned citizens of this nation must stand up in the solidarity march planned for tomorrow 18 November 2017 which will commence from the opening space between HICC and Interpol headoffice or Rotten Raw Courts,” said the source.

“The march will proceed to state house as per the plan. It is strongly backed by the army and the war veterans. No fear, no harm and feel free to grace this occasion. Mugabe must be booted out . Bulawayo is also going to hold a similar march dubbed Bulawayo Booing Brigade ( BBB ). Free yourself and any forces of resistance such as SADC, AU & UN must be shamed by a vociferous march in our multitudes.”
