President Robert Mugabe – timeline

November 15, 2017
| Report Focus News

Find out about the man who has dominated Zimbabwe since the country’s independence in 1980:

  • 1924: Born
  • Trained as a teacher Worked in Ghana where he met his first wife Sally Hafron
  • 1964: Imprisoned by Rhodesian government
  • 1980: Wins post-independence elections
  • 1996: Marries Grace Marufu
  • 2000: Loses referendum on presidential powers and white-owned land
  • 2008: Comes second in first round of elections to Morgan Tsvangirai, the opposition leader who pulls out of run-off amid attacks on his supporters
  • 2009: Amid economic collapse, swears in Tsvangirai as prime minister
  • 2016: Bond notes introduced as cash shortage worsens
  • 2017: Sacks long-time ally Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa