LATEST | Morgan Tsvangirai Health

November 8, 2017
| Report Focus News

MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai is expected back into the country by next week after undergoing a major medical procedure as he battles an aggressive cancer of the colony in South Africa.

The veteran opposition political leader, who has been endorsed to lead the MDC Alliance, has not actively interacted with party supporters for nearly two months creating a leadership vacuum which has had most senior party members worried.

Party secretary general Douglas Mwonzora, has, however, dismissed speculation that Tsvangirai was down and out, saying instead he was on the mend and will be back in office.

“There is no need to press a panic button, we are not calling for any leadership renewal in the MDC-T because there is no crisis. I spoke to president Tsvangirai and he is in fact getting better and will be back soon to lead the people of Zimbabwe,” Mwonzora said.

He called on party supporters to keep their eyes on the ball and have faith in their president and also dismissed reports that party vice presidents Thokozani Khupe and Nelson Chamisa were fighting to take control of the party.

“Even if we had to replace our president, who we are not replacing there are processes that are followed. We will call for a special congress to elect a new leader, but at the moment there is no reason to call for that congress,” he said.

Mwonzora also cleared party secretary for local government Eddie Cross who had been accused of peddling falsehoods on the health of Tsvangirai.

“We are not going to institute any disciplinary proceedings against Mr Cross, even though his statements were wrong, he did nothing wrong, his statements were those of concern,” he said.

Party spokesperson Obert Gutu had hinted that Cross could be charged for making statements about Tsvangirai’s health which undermined confidence building in both the MDC and its alliance partners.