Morgan Tsvangirai out of danger

November 3, 2017
| Report Focus News

MDC president Morgan Tsvangirai — who was flown to South Africa last week after his condition had deteriorated — is said to be in high spirits, and looking forward to contest in the 2018 polls.

His spokesperson, Luke Tamborinyoka, told the Daily News yesterday that Tsvangirai was more concerned about progress on the Biometric Voter Registration exercise, currently being conducted by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission throughout the country.
Tamborinyoka said to fall sick was testimony to the mortality of human life, adding his boss will be home soon.

“President Tsvangirai is still winding up is health issues. He is still on medical review in South Africa but there is no reason for the nation to panic. The people’s leader is well out of danger,” he said.

“He is fine and despite his temporary indisposition, he continues to attend to those issues that require his personal attention, such as the platform of the MDC Alliance principals, where he continues to provide leadership and direction,” added Tamborinyoka.
Tsvangirai was airlifted to the neighbouring country mid last week in the company of his wife, Elizabeth.

He has been to South Africa on more than a dozen times since he publicly revealed that he was fighting cancer of the colon in June last year.

The MDC leader was last flown to South Africa mid September, where he spent close to a month holed in a top-notch hospital.

Since then, he has taken a backseat from the gruelling political duties on the advice of his doctors who have asked him to take a sabbatical from politics.

Tamborinyoka said while there were some who have expressed concern whether he is fit enough to stand the rigors of a grueling election campaign, for now there are no such fears as Tsvangirai is well out of any danger.

“There are no such fears for now because we are talking of a man who takes seriously the values of transparency, integrity and honesty. That is why he went public about his health.
“He has an unstinting faith in the values of honesty and transparency, particularly in national leadership and that is why, on 27 June last year, he went public about his affliction.

“If, and when, he feels he cannot withstand the election, which is not the case for now, he will not last a minute longer than his health can allow him.

“He is a man I have worked closely with for more than a decade; a man who puts a premium on the interests of the people of Zimbabwe,” said Tamborinyoka.
He said Tsvangirai will not allow his health to become an impediment to the realisation of the national dream.

Like every one of us, Tamborinyoka said his boss was mortal.
“We all fall sick sometimes but that is no reason for morbid speculations not grounded on objective facts,” he said.

“And we cannot punish or crucify him for that honesty by concocting all sorts of innuendos and unlikely scenarios. He has already shown his qualitative difference from the familiar cultivar of unfaithful and dishonest leadership that occupies the station of our government today. MT is not one to force things.

“I speak to him every day and there is no reason for anyone to panic or express any misgivings about his candidature next year. For now he remains our best (foot) forward and for now there is absolutely no reason for the nation to be in any state of apprehension. The people’s hope is still capable to run,” he added.

His mounting health woes have also thrown the party’s preparations for the crucial 2018 elections in shambles with the coalition he leads now lacking direction while his party’s 18th anniversary has been on ice for a couple of months now due to his absence.
The MDC currently has three vice presidents namely Nelson Chamisa, Thokozani Khupe and Elias Mudzuri.

MDC insiders told the Daily News that there is a silent war brewing between factions in the country’s largest opposition party as Tsvangirai continues to excuse himself from critical party businesses due to his heath woes. – Daily News