ZEZURU people want to monopolise the post of the presidency in the country which defeats the principles of the liberation struggle, outspoken Independent Member of Parliament for Norton, Temba Mliswa said.
“I don’t care who the presidential candidate is, but I will not vote for a Zezuru president in 2018,” he said. “Ndebele yes, Karanga yes, Samanyika yes and I am very clear about that.”
Candid Mliswa said there ought to have been an agreement which says that the presidential seat should rotate among all the tribes in the country.
Briefing journalists in Harare Thursday, Mliswa said he was a worried man because of plans by a faction within ruling party Zanu PF, (G40) to bring in Sydney Sekeramai (Defence Minister)’s name forward to be their presidential candidate as this was meant to keep the post within the Zezuru tribe.
He said it is not a secret that Sekeremayi and Grace Mugabe (Wedza) are from the same province Mashonaland East.
“There seems to be a monopoly of the Zezurus being in power and on the position of the presidency and no one else,” said Mliswa.
“But if you look at the founding principles of the liberation struggle which the president always talks about there is nothing like that and they are not being followed now.”
He added, “If you look at the really generals, there were not many Zezurus who lead the struggle, Tongogara (Josiah) was Karanga, Nikita Mangena was Ndebele, but when it comes to the presidency it is a monopoly of one tribe.”
Mliswa said come 2018, Team Lacoste led by VP Emerson Mnangagwa has an upper hand to take over considering the ground work they have covered so far in the provinces controlled by the ruling party.
“And to me, I said it before and I repeat it, there is nothing as powerful as people standing by their tribe.” Mliswa said.
“You can equally say with factionalism currently going on in Zanu PF, Team Lacoste controls Mash West, Lacoste controls Midlands, Lacoste controls Masvingo, Mat North and South and Manicaland provinces.
He added, “The Midlands, Manicaland and Masvingo are the most powerful provinces in terms of voting and Mash West forget the Karangas have taken over.”
He went on to say that for the first time the Zezurus have disintegrated as shown by events in Mashonaland East and Mashonaland Central province which were Zanu PF strongholds.
“Lacoste will benefit between the fight in Mash East and West because the Zezurus for the first time have crushed and are controlled by Gamatox.”
Gamatox was said to be a faction led to the expelled vice president Joice Mujuru.
“Harare and Bulawayo is for everyone.”
Mliswa said he is from Midlands province and a Karanga from Shurugwi area, under Village Head Murisva. “My mother is Manicaland, my grandmother is Ndebele.”