Zimbabwe First lady Grace told to ‘discipline her unruly sons first’

August 1, 2017
| Report Focus News

War veterans have reportedly challenged the First Lady Grace Mugabe, who claims to be the “mother of the nation” to show that she is a “competent mom” by “disciplining her unruly sons”.

“She can’t be a mother to 14 million Zimbabweans when she is failing to [control] just two sons,” national war veterans’ secretary general Victor Matemadanda said.

Grace recently admitted that her two sons – Robert Junior and Chatunga Bellarmine – had become wild and were giving her “sleepless nights”, as they had taken to beer binges and drugs.

This was after the two boys were evicted from a luxury apartments block in Johannesburg’s affluent Sandton area because of their “unacceptable behaviour”.

The war veterans’ attack on Grace came after she moved to lecture and scold Mugabe’s two vice president and cabinet ministers during a campaign rally in Chinhoyi over the weekend.

Grace warned her husband’s deputies Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko that they risked losing their jobs if they did not perform to the expectations of the 93-year-old Mugabe.

She also ridiculed Local Government Minister Saviour Kasukuwere over his “big belly”.

Grace then went on to humiliate Mugabe’s spokesperson George Charamba for ignoring her philanthropic work in Mazoe while giving her “party rivals” positive coverage.

But Matemadanda said: “Let her [Grace] bring her children to the rallies, and also humiliate the two boys. She must tell them ‘stop it’ in front of other youths, then we say she is a strict disciplinarian.”