Obert Mpofu

Obert Mpofu, the ZANU PF Secretary-General,

Former Zimbabwe minister sues party youth leader

Harare-Former Minister of Mines Dr. Obert Mpofu has filed a $10 million lawsuit against Zanu PF Youth Affairs deputy secretary Lewis Matutu after the latter accused him of being corrupt. During a press conference in June this year Matutu implicated Mpofu and
October 22, 2019

Zimbabwe security organs on high alert ahead of Elections

Zimbabwe’s security apparatus is on high alert to maintain the prevailing peaceful environment to ensure every citizen exercises the democratic right to vote, Zimbabwe’s New Ziana News Agency reported a cabinet minister as saying on Monday. Without referring directly to the MDC
July 24, 2018

Obert Mpofu welcomes Saviour Kasukuwere

The Zimbabwe Home Affairs Minister Obert Mpofu says his former cabinet colleague Saviour Kasukuwere was welcome back home and has allayed speculation the government harboured plans to pursue vendettas against his once bitter Zanu PF rival. Kasukuwere came back from to the
May 23, 2018

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