Zimbabwe’s President to Proclaim 2023 Election Date in May, Urges Citizens to Prepare for Polls

April 20, 2023
Report Focus News

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has announced that he will proclaim the election date for the 2023 Harmonised Elections towards the end of May. The announcement was made during the commissioning of the Mhondoro Rural Hospital, which was refurbished by platinum miner Zimplats.

In his statement, Mnangagwa urged citizens to prepare for the upcoming polls, saying, “We will soon be having our elections this year. I am privileged to know the date; it is fast approaching. Towards the end of next month, I will proclaim the date. For now, prepare for the polls.”

The Election Resource Centre (ERC) has stated that the 2023 general elections should be held no later than 26 August 2023. Despite calls by some stakeholders for the general elections to be postponed, the Constitution of Zimbabwe mandates that elections should be conducted every five years, and elected government officials are to serve a strictly five-year term.

The announcement comes amidst growing concerns over the country’s political and economic stability. Zimbabwe has been grappling with a host of challenges, including high inflation, a shortage of foreign currency, and a struggling healthcare system.

The government has been under pressure to implement economic reforms and address corruption, which has been a major source of public anger. The upcoming elections are seen as an opportunity for Zimbabweans to express their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs and push for change.

Observers will be closely monitoring the electoral process to ensure that it is free and fair. The previous elections in 2018 were marred by allegations of irregularities and violence, which led to a disputed outcome and a tense political environment.

The announcement of the election date is expected to kick-start the electoral process, with political parties and candidates gearing up for the campaign season. The coming weeks will be critical for Zimbabwe, as it navigates the challenges of holding a credible and peaceful election in the midst of an uncertain political and economic environment.