Presidential Envoy Uebert Angel’s Lawyer to Address Media on Gold Mafia Documentary Allegations

April 13, 2023
Angel And President Mnangagwa Report Focus News
Angel And President Mnangagwa

Presidential Envoy and Ambassador at Large Uebert Angel has instructed his lawyer, Prof. Lovemore Madhuku, to address the media at a news conference scheduled for Thursday, as Al Jazeera prepares to broadcast the final episode of its Gold Mafia documentary.

The conference will be held at the Media Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe, on Thursday at 1400hrs local time. The Media Centre has also made arrangements to stream the event live via its Facebook page, for those unable to attend in person.

The Gold Mafia documentary has caused a stir in Zimbabwe and across the African continent, as it exposes the illicit trade in gold and the alleged involvement of high-level officials and politicians. The documentary has already aired three episodes, with the final episode set to air on Al Jazeera on Thursday.

In a statement released by Uebert Angel’s office, the Ambassador at Large has expressed concerns over the documentary’s allegations, stating that they are baseless and defamatory. He has further asserted that he has no involvement whatsoever in the illegal trade of gold or any other illegal activity.

Uebert Angel has tasked his lawyer, Prof. Lovemore Madhuku, to address the media on his behalf and provide a detailed response to the allegations made in the Gold Mafia documentary. The news conference is expected to attract a large number of journalists and media personnel, as the public eagerly awaits Uebert Angel’s response to the allegations.

The event promises to shed more light on the allegations made in the Gold Mafia documentary, and to provide Uebert Angel’s side of the story. The conference is an important one for Zimbabwe and the African continent, as the world eagerly awaits the outcome of this developing story.