Three Killed, 13 Injured in Chentali Car Crash on Christmas Day

December 26, 2022
Road Accident Report Focus News
Road Accident

Tragedy struck on Christmas Day in Chentali, Lambo Village, when a car accident resulted in the deaths of three people and the injury of 13 others. The incident occurred at around 7:45 PM on Sunday night when a Toyota Hilux ran over seven pedestrians before crashing into a stationary Honda Fit that was dropping off passengers near the Hwange Tollgate.

According to Assistant Inspector Commissioner Paul Nyathi, the driver of the Toyota Hilux lost control of the vehicle, veering off the road and hitting the pedestrians before swerving back onto the road and colliding with the Honda Fit. The Honda Fit overturned and landed on its roof, killing two pedestrians and one passenger. The injured individuals were taken to the Hwange Colliery Company Hospital for treatment.

Ward 14 councilor Themba Sibanda was at the scene of the accident and reported that a cooler box with bottles of beer was found, but it is not yet clear who was carrying it or if it played a role in the accident.

Sibanda also mentioned that two of the deceased were family members from Wururu Village, but no further information on their burial arrangements has been released. The cause of the accident is currently under investigation by local authorities. Our thoughts go out to the victims and their families during this difficult time.