Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers (CZR) Lauds President Mnangagwa Amid Economic Challenges

January 16, 2024
| Report Focus News

In a statement released by the Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers (CZR), President Denford Mutashu has heaped lavish praise on President Emmerson Mnangagwa, describing Zimbabwe under his leadership as a paradise. The statement, while commending Mnangagwa’s visionary leadership, has raised eyebrows for its perceived excessive adulation.

CZR, a membership-based organization representing retail companies and supermarkets, traditionally engages in lobbying the government on policy matters for its stakeholders. However, this recent statement goes beyond its usual scope, offering commendations on various aspects of Mnangagwa’s governance.

Despite Zimbabwe grappling with an economic crisis, the statement emphasizes Mnangagwa’s supposed progress in infrastructure development, economic stability, unity, and job creation. President Mutashu, without a formal title for the statement, lauds Mnangagwa’s “exceptional leadership, unwavering commitment, and tireless dedication to the well-being and progress of our great nation since the consummation of the Second Republic.”

The statement highlights Mnangagwa’s alleged achievements in fostering stability and unity, economic growth, and job creation. Even as the country faces a cholera outbreak, Mutashu praises the president for his “groundbreaking initiatives” in healthcare, despite the challenges faced by Zimbabwe’s health sector, including underfunding and the loss of healthcare professionals to better-paying countries.

In the midst of an ongoing economic crisis, where salaries have been devalued, the cost of basics has soared, and unemployment remains a pressing issue, Mutashu’s statement acknowledges Mnangagwa’s efforts to rebuild relations with Western countries through the Re-Engagement Agenda. However, it notes a shift to “all-weather friends” in the Middle East, China, and Russia after initial attempts yielded limited success.

The statement concludes with Mutashu expressing solidarity, stating, “We stand united in support of the President’s continued efforts to build a brighter future for our nation and its citizens.” Critics argue that such effusive praise may not resonate with a population facing economic challenges and a healthcare crisis.

As Zimbabwe navigates through its current difficulties, the CZR’s statement adds another layer to the ongoing discussions surrounding President Mnangagwa’s leadership and the state of the nation.