Imprisoned opposition leader Job Sikhala speaks out from Zimbabwe’s Chikurubi prison

December 23, 2022
Job Sikhala | Report Focus News
Job Sikhala

Incarcerated opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Vice Chairman Job Sikhala has declared that he is “just a social activist and not a power monger” in a statement from Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison, Zimbabwe’s largest and most notorious jail. Sikhala has been held for over six months on what his party calls “frivolous” charges of inciting public violence, related to the murder of CCC activist Moreblessing Ali in June. Despite numerous bail applications, the courts have repeatedly denied his release and made him wait for trial.

In his statement, Sikhala insisted that he did not commit any crime and is being persecuted for defending Ali and speaking out against the suffering of Zimbabweans. He also expressed his love for those who have “insulted, humiliated, and maligned” him and praised God for the strength and support he has received from his family, including his wife and children.

Sikhala encouraged his children to remain focused on their education and to strive for careers in fields such as aerospace science, medicine, law, and engineering. He assured them that God would raise up men and women to help them continue their studies despite his absence.

The CCC has called for the release of Sikhala and for the charges against him to be dropped, arguing that they are baseless and politically motivated. The party has also demanded justice for Ali’s murder and for the perpetrators to be brought to account.