Pro-Poor Social Movement Launches in Zimbabwe

May 26, 2020
| Report Focus News

Harare-Expelled Zanu PF national youth political commissar Godfrey Tsenengamu has launched a social movement called the Front for Economic Emancipation in Zimbabwe (FEEZ).

Tsenengamu who was expelled from the ruling Zanu PF in March after going on a crusade campaigning against corruption in the ruling party and the country said the movement was for the empowerment of the majority of the country.

“We gather to make an announcement to Zimbabwe, Africa and the rest of the world that here a generation has and is organising itself to take up the unfinished business of the liberation struggle, the genuine economic emancipation of the indigenous peoples here in Zimbabwe,” said Tsenengamu

Dressed in green work suits and a green beret together with members of the movement Tsenengamu said the country continues to grapple in poverty despite promises of empowerment.

“A lot has been said and promised about the economic emancipation of Zimbabweans especially youth and women but what we continue to experience today is exactly the opposite of that which we have been promised and never what we have expected.

“Sadly we have noted that the authorities seem to have committed to handover the ownership of our God-given natural resources to foreigners who are on a looting spree with the aid of the government and leadership. Our minerals are being looted in broad daylight with the express authority and blessing of the authorities at the expense of the people and posterity,” he said

Tsenengamu said the organisation is a pro-poor movement that seeks advocates for the empowerment of ordinary citizens.

The movement, Tsenengamu said will fight for transparency and accountability as the country’s leadership was captured by certain groups.

“We are very much aware of how powerful cartels have captured our leadership and continue to hold this country at ransom. We are also aware of how leadership has allowed itself to be captured by these cartels.”