Jim Jong Un is Not Dead; South Korea says

April 27, 2020
Report Focus News

South Korea believes North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is not dead.

After days of speculation and rumours of the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s ill health and rumoured death. A South Korean government official has said Kim Jong Un is not dead.
Rumours of the North Korean leader’s death had been fuelled by his absence from North Korea’s 88th anniversary last week.

A slew of media reports online and otherwise particularly from Japan had been claiming that Kim Jong Un was dead, while other reports claimed China had sent a high level team of medical doctors to attend to an ailing Kim Jong Un, who was reportedly in a vegetative state.

However, a South Korean top official, and advisor to President Moon Jae-in has stated that Kim Jong Un is alive and well.

“Our government position is firm,”
“Kim Jong Un is alive and well. He has been staying in the Wonsan area since April 13. No suspicious movements have so far been detected.”
Said Moon Chung-in.

Meanwhile, North Korea is yet to officially respond to the death rumours surrounding their leader Kim Jong Un.