MDC lawmakers walk out on Mnangagwa during SONA

October 1, 2019
| Report Focus News

Harare-MDC Alliance legislators walked out on President Emmerson Mnangagwa during his State of the Nation Address (SONA) and the official opening of the Second session of the Ninth Parliament of Zimbabwe.

The legislators remained seated as their Zanu PF counterparts stood as President Mnangagwa made his way to the August House. They only stood up when the National Anthem was being played only to walk out as the President was starting to deliver his speech.

The law makers claim Mnangagwa rigged the July 2013 elections and therefore should not address them.

A similar move was met with commotion in November last year during the presentation of the 2019 budget as police had to wrestle with legislators

The MDC remains adamant Mnangagwa was not legitimately elected as the country’s leader and have used protests as a tool to show their dissatisfaction.

Soon after the boycott MDC Chairperson and Bulawayo East Member of Parliament Thabitha Khumalo said there was need for serious dialogue.

“We have no money, we have no food, hospitals are not working, you name it (sic) it’s happening in this country and they are busy wasting peoples’ time talking about nothing for nothing. Time has come for them to understand that as a country we can fight as we can but we need dialogue.

“We are not talking dialogue of a church choir where he (Mnangagwa) preaches but when we talk of dialogue we want independent conveners that are going to conduct this dialogue and map a way forward. As members of the parliament of Zimbabwe we are saying we don’t recognise him” said Khumalo