Zimbabwe trade union leaders receive mail bullets

July 17, 2019
Report Focus News

Harare- Leaders of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) on Tuesday received letters that had bullets.

In a statement, the ZCTU said its president Peter Mutasa and secretary general Japhet Moyo had received anonymous letters with live bullets in them.

“The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions president, Peter Mutasa and secretary general, Japhet Moyo today received letters from unidentified people that had bullets in it.

“The letters were warning them not to organise a stay away on 22 July 2019 and threatened to kill the two and harm their families. The writers of the letter said that ‘we have hired mercenaries to deal with you once and for all – unless you stop what you are planning,” the statement said.

The threats come in the wake of ZCTU’s announcement of planned national stay-away on July 22 to protest against government’s decision to ban the use of foreign currency and the introduction of the local dollar among other issues.

The ZCTU was yet to report the case to the police but feared for Mutasa and Moyo’s lives.