NUST students demonstrate against lecturers strike

February 26, 2018
| Report Focus News

National University of Science and Technology (NUST) students took to the streets today with a plea to have lectures resuming with immediate effect after going for four weeks without learning.

In the past four weeks lecturers at NUST were on strike protesting over allegations of mismanagement and heavy work load imposed on them.

A number of students took to the streets with the aim of advocating for lectures to resume as they complained that it was now an expense to them since they had to pay rentals and some had to hike twice to the institution.

They also complained of the mistreatment by the police during the demonstration where they were being beaten up with sjamboks, sprayed with chemicalised water and had dogs chasing after them.

Asked on the issue, the director, communication and marketing for NUST Mr Felix Moyo said they have entered into an agreement with the lecturers in order to end the demonstrations and the strike.

He noted that the institution has engaged the Labour Court which is set to assist them in resolving some of the issues that are outstanding.