US President Donald Trump to meet Kagame at Davos

January 24, 2018
| Report Focus News

US President Donald Trump will meet Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame at the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in Davos – the only African leader he is billed to meet, according to a schedule released by National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster.

The meeting, scheduled for Friday, comes amid a political backlash against Mr Trump who alleged described African states as “shitholes” at a closed door meeting to discuss immigration policy – an allegation he denied.

Mr Trump’s meeting with Mr Kagame – the current chairman of the African Union – would seek to “reaffirm the US-Africa relationship, and discuss shared priorities, including trade and security”.

The African Union has called on Trump to apologise for his “contemptuous remarks.”

Mr Trump is also expected to meet with the UK’s Theresa May and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu at Davos.

“In all his meetings, the president hopes to increase economic opportunities for the American people,” Mr McMaster said.