Ex First Lady Grace Mugabe ‘boo-boy’ praised at funeral

January 13, 2018
| Report Focus News
Mourners follow proceedings during the late Cde Charumbira church service at the Zanu-PF party Davies Hall in Bulawayo yesterday.

The late Zanu-PF Bulawayo central district chairperson Cde Magura Charumbira who has been declared a liberation hero, has been described as a game changer who stood for the truth in political circles.

Mourners follow proceedings during the late Cde Charumbira church service at the Zanu-PF party Davies Hall in Bulawayo yesterday.

Party members who were part of the funeral cortege, marched from Doves Funeral Services parlour to Davies Hall led by the hearse carrying Cde Charumbira’s body.

Cde Charumbira died on Monday in a car crash along the Harare-Bulawayo road near Norton tollgate.

During the funeral service, representatives from Government and Zanu-PF saluted Cde Charumbira for being fearless.

Bulawayo provincial chairman Professor Callistus Ndlovu described Cde Charumbira as an unquestionable hero.

“We’re here to pay respect to a hero, a game changer. He identified amachithamuzi (home wreckers) in Zanu-PF and stood against them. He was a hero whose qualities cannot be questioned. He was a product of the spirit of the time which creates an environment for change,” said Prof Ndlovu.

He said the request to honour Cde Charumbira with a liberation hero status stems from the fact that the party recognised his efforts.
Prof Ndlovu said the province was also not discriminatory as it allowed people like him to seek political office and rise through the ranks.

The Minister for Bulawayo Provincial Affairs Cde Angeline Masuku challenged youths to emulate Cde Charumbira saying at a time when others were being bought with money he stood for the truth.

She said while others may claim that Cde Charumbira shot to fame in November at the interface rally where he heckled former First Lady Grace Mugabe, he had for a long time resisted the G40 cabal.

“His bravery is what brought us here today. How many youths will be able to draw the party’s provincial chairperson, war veterans provincial chairperson among other leaders.

“This should be a challenge for young people,” she said.