Pastor urges youth ‘Perform a David Goliath act against Mugabe,’

September 24, 2017
Report Focus News

Harare – Zimbabwean pastor Evan Mawarire has urged young people to “to perform a ‘David Goliath act’ against President Robert Mugabe’s oppressive rule”, a report says.

According to New, speaking at Ibbo Madaza’s SAPES trust policy dialogue meeting last week, Mawarire urged young people to emulate the veteran leader and other freedom fighters in challenging oppressive laws.

The popular anti-Mugabe cleric, however, said that the young people in the southern African country could achieve their objective through peaceful means.

“David took Goliath head on, he was bold; the youth that is weak, that is afraid, that is timid and hides will not achieve anything in future…you have the ability to face things that these people (ruling party politicians) can’t face why because it is your future that is at stake,” Mawarire was cited as saying.

Mawarire’s remarks came after Mugabe mocked US President Donald Trump, describing him as the “Giant Gold Goliath”.

Addressing the UNGA, where reproaches of other leaders were generally less personal in tone, the 93-year-old veteran leader took Trump to task both on policy and appearance.

“Some of us were,” Mugabe said, pausing for emphasis, “embarrassed, if not frightened, by what appeared to be the return of the biblical Giant Gold Goliath”.

“Are we having a return of Goliath to our midst, who threatens the extinction of other countries?” he asked, triggering applause in the hall as two junior US diplomats listened expressionless.

Mugabe has tense relations with Western nations which have imposed sanctions to press for more democracy in Zimbabwe, where he has ruled for 37 years.