Jared Kushner Will Be the Next Big Thing in The Trump-Russia Probe

May 27, 2017

If you don’t know who Jared Kushner is by now, let me refresh your memory. He is the son-in-law of President Trump, married to Ivanka Trump, and also a senior adviser for The Trump Administration.

Kushner spoke with the Russian ambassador Sergey I. Kislyack in the month of December 2016, mainly talking about creating a ‘secret communications channel’ to Moscow. Planning on have discussions about strategic plans to defeat ISIS in Syria and other foreign policy issues. Kislyack made plans to meet at Trump Tower with Kushner. Another big name that stood out of the three men who were in this private discussion room was, Michael T. Flynn, now fired former United States National Security Adviser.

He was fired for having connections with Russia as well. The thing that pops out the most is the shocking amount of times and connections with the Russians is that the Trump campaign had. The Trump Transition team did not even know about these conversations or that they even took place. It’s still not very clear to whom actually put the idea of having a secret communications line with Russia on in that room.

The reason for wanting to using a secret communications channel:

They were to have Michael Flynn speak directly to a senior official to discuss the Syrian Civil War

The SCC was never set up

Kushner is not subject of criminal investigation as of right now (5/27/17)

This news will make Kushner push Republicans farther away as the 2018 mid-elections appear just next year. Like many other Republicans who need to keep their seats to have the majority they need to start distancing themselves from Trump, and that’s exactly what the GOP candidates are doing. Most politicians see Trump as a toxic brand with an (R) infront of his name. Kushner is now added to the list of people who have had contact with the Russians. The FBI is investing a huge amount of effort to actually find out if the Russians did interfere with the 2016 elections. So far, it’s not looking so good.