US aims to deport 7,000 Ghanaians who overstay visas

April 28, 2017
| Report Focus News
macro view of a segment of a US visa in a UK passport

By Michael Sarpong Bruce

| Report Focus News

About seven thousand Ghanaians based in the United States are being processed for deportation for abusing the terms of their visas, says the US ambassador to Ghana Robert Jackson.

“In fact, about 7,000 of them are currently at different stages of the deportation process. And we are not apologetic about that,” Jackson told local reporters in the Brong Ahafo region.

He said: “One thing that I do think that Ghanaians need to be aware of is, I think the president-elect, as I mentioned, is likely to be more rigid about illegal immigration. We have a lot of Ghanaians who have overstayed their visas in the U.S. and I think that they need to be concerned about whether they would be allowed to remain illegally.

My guess is they will be given some options but the president will be serious about asking those who’ve violated their visa status to depart.”