Zimbabwe Electoral Commission

Zanu PF pleased with by-election results

ZANU-PF is pleasantly relieved that it has kept and solidified its traditional support in the traditional rural bastions. The Party of the Zimbabwe Revolution is most delighted that it made fresh inroads in MDC-CCC urban strongholds. The internecine fights of the fractious
March 27, 2022

ZEC Expected to conduct 133 stalled By-elections in 2022

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission  is expected to conduct 28 parliamentary and 105 council by-elections in April next year, according to a document drafted by the electoral body. The ZEC document states that there are 133 vacant National Assembly and council seats in
November 5, 2021

Zimbabwe remembers August 1 killings

Harare – A year ago Zimbabweans took to the streets in protest against election manipulation by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). The protests ended up in police and army firing live ammunition at protestors leaving at least six people dead with several
August 1, 2019

Electorate doubts ZEC credibility to manage elections

Majority of Zimbabwean people across the country’s eight provinces still have a negative perception of police and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, doubting their capacity to professionally manage next week’s Zimbabwe general elections. Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) pre-election survey released on Saturday
July 23, 2018

MDC Alliance President rejects Zec’s conditions for talks

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) has been accused of manipulating a forum of presidential candidates that meets weekly to dismiss Nelson Chamisa’s demands for administrative electoral reforms. This is revealed after it emerged that the under pressure Zec has now said through
July 18, 2018
Zimbabwe's president, Emmerson Mnangagwa

‘You’re causing instability in Zimbabwe,’ Mnangagwa warned

Zimbabwean opposition leader Nelson Chamisa has reportedly claimed that President Emmerson Mnangagwa wants to cause instability in the southern African country by trying to steal the forthcoming election through the “manipulation” of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). New Zimbabwe.com, reported that the
July 13, 2018

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