Crisis Unfolds as CCC President Nelson Chamisa Expels Mayor and Six Councillors

January 17, 2024
Nelson Chamisa Report Focus News
Nelson Chamisa

In a shocking turn of events, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) President, Nelson Chamisa, has taken decisive action by dismissing Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume and six other councillors. The move comes as a response to their alleged alignment with the self-proclaimed party Secretary General, Sengezo Tshabangu, and their involvement in causing internal chaos within the party.

Mafume, who had recently secured re-election as Harare Mayor under contentious circumstances, now finds himself ousted from the CCC. The controversy surrounding his election was fueled by allegations that he had orchestrated the removal of the then Mayor Lovejoy Chitengu to pave the way for his return. It is reported that Mafume pressured councillors to vote in his favor, claiming he held the key to their continued tenure at Town House.

Chamisa’s decision not to endorse Mafume for re-election after the General Elections in August appears to have been a pivotal factor in Mafume’s expulsion. Despite hopes for a second term following the completion of Herbert Gomba’s tenure as Harare Mayor, Mafume found himself on the wrong side of party leadership.

Reports suggest that six other councillors from different regions, including Bulawayo’s Deputy Mayor Edwin Ndlovu, Mutare Mayor Sophia Gwasira, Deputy Cloud Nengomasha, and two unnamed councillors from Marondera and Harare, have also been dismissed for similar reasons.

A source close to the developments stated, “Mafume has been fired for his role in destabilizing the party. He has been expelled alongside six other councillors from across the country. Expect more of these decisions as the party has been observing and now knows those against its agenda.”

Sengezo Tshabangu, a former MDC provincial youth chairperson and CCC’s self-proclaimed Secretary General, has been causing further disruptions within the party by recalling Members of Parliament (MPs) without remorse. Tshabangu argues that these recalls are necessary to rectify anomalies and disrespect of party processes, but some CCC members, including Mbuso Siso, allege that the process has been hijacked by Chamisa’s deputy, Tendai Biti.

Biti, reportedly discontented with Chamisa’s disregard for his experience and past roles in opposition politics, is said to be actively working to ensure the demise of the CCC. Mafume, known for his alignment with Biti, had previously sided with him in the People Democratic Party (PDP) experiment after a fallout with the late pro-democracy icon Morgan Tsvangirai.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is now faced with the challenge of acknowledging these expulsions, considering that Parliament had chosen to ignore letters signed by Chamisa, letters that the Commission had previously acknowledged. The unfolding situation within the CCC adds a new layer of complexity to Zimbabwe’s political landscape, raising questions about the party’s internal unity and stability.