Palestinian Ambassador in Zimbabwe Condemns Israeli Raid on Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital

April 3, 2024
| Report Focus News

The Ambassador of the State of Palestine, Dr. Tamer Almassri, has vehemently condemned the recent incursion by Israeli occupation forces into Gaza’s largest hospital, al-Shifa. The raid, which lasted for two weeks, has left the hospital in complete ruins, resulting in the deaths of over 400 Palestinian civilians, including doctors who sought refuge within the hospital compound.

In the aftermath of the attack, numerous bodies, some in advanced stages of decomposition, have been discovered both within and around the medical complex, rendering it entirely non-operational. The Israeli occupation army systematically destroyed all departments, buildings, and infrastructure within the al-Shifa Complex. The scale of civilian casualties is difficult to ascertain due to the deliberate obstruction by Israeli forces, who bulldozed roads and buried bodies on-site. Additionally, many homes and residential buildings in the vicinity of the hospital were burned or demolished, affecting thousands of residents.

Palestinians say numerous bodies were found after Israeli forces withdrew | Report Focus News
Palestinians say numerous bodies were found after Israeli forces withdrew Reuters

The Ambassador characterized these actions as among the most egregious atrocities in human history. He emphasized the urgent need for accountability, stressing that those responsible for these crimes must be brought to justice. He warned that those who condone such acts will bear a permanent stain on history’s pages.



Gaza’s hospitals have consistently borne the brunt of Israeli aggression, with thousands seeking refuge from bombardments within their walls. Israeli forces have repeatedly violated these sanctuaries under the pretext of targeting Palestinian militants.

In a tragic development, Israeli forces also targeted and killed seven aid workers from the US-based humanitarian group, World Central Kitchen.

Furthermore, the State of Palestine condemns the recent Israeli massacres, including the killing of at least 63 Palestinians from six families in the Gaza Strip within the past 24 hours. The death toll from the Israeli onslaught since October 7 has reached a staggering 32,845, with an additional 75,392 individuals sustaining injuries. The majority of the victims are women and children.

These actions, the Ambassador asserted, flagrantly violate human conscience and international law, posing a grave threat to international peace and stability. He urged swift action to implement the latest UN Security Council resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and called for the enforcement of additional measures announced by the International Court of Justice.

In Zimbabwe, the Ambassador’s statement resonated deeply, as the nation stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people against such blatant acts of aggression. The Zimbabwean government reiterates its condemnation of the Israeli raids and calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities to prevent further loss of innocent lives.