Fugitive Murderer Peter Dube Arrested in Zimbabwe After International Chase

April 3, 2024
s | Report Focus News

The nearly three-year international pursuit of Peter Dube, a fugitive accused of a triple homicide that rattled Zimbabwe in 2021, concluded with his arrest at Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport. This arrest followed his deportation from Mozambique, marking a critical twist in his flight from justice across multiple continents.

Peter Dube, once a businessman from Gweru, became the focus of an extensive international search after allegedly murdering his second wife, her suspected lover, and a female friend. This initiated a relentless chase for justice that spanned several nations.

Dube’s saga of evasion began with his escape from Zimbabwe, during which he forged documents to assume a new identity as Xolile Mtsali. With a newly obtained passport from Eswatini, he moved to Ireland seeking asylum. However, his asylum bid was cut short when Irish authorities, acting on gathered intelligence, detained him for his fraudulent activities. His subsequent deportation to Mozambique eventually led to his capture.

Dispelling earlier reports, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, the national police spokesperson for Zimbabwe, clarified that Dube’s return was not an extradition but a deportation due to possession of falsified identity and travel documents. Nyathi thanked the Zimbabwean public for their patience during the protracted investigation and reassured them of the police’s dedication to the ongoing legal process. “Peter Dube has been deported from the Republic of Mozambique due to fake identity and travel documents,” Nyathi announced, promising further details on the investigation and Dube’s court proceedings in due course.

Dube’s capture has been celebrated as a major victory in the quest for justice for the victims of the 2021 murders, highlighting the challenges and complexities faced by law enforcement in tracking fugitives across international borders. The coordinated effort of international law enforcement showcases a commitment to overcoming the challenges posed by global mobility and ensuring that justice prevails.

As legal proceedings against Dube are set to commence, there is a widespread anticipation among the victims’ families and the general public. Dube faces three counts of murder, one count of attempted murder, and violations of immigration laws. The community eagerly awaits his court appearance, seeking closure to a case that has spanned years and crossed international boundaries, underscoring the relentless pursuit of justice against those who seek to evade it.