Zimbabwe’s Opposition Turmoil: Ncube Addresses Allegations in Cite Interview

February 20, 2024
| Report Focus News

In an exclusive interview with Cite, Professor Welshman Ncube, the acting president of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), categorically denied allegations that he was behind the recent recalls of party representatives, a saga that has rocked Zimbabwe’s main opposition party. The accusations had implicated Ncube and Tendai Biti as the architects behind Sengezo Tshabangu’s actions, purportedly aiming to undermine the then-party leader Nelson Chamisa.

Ncube, in his conversation with Cite, sought to clear the air, detailing his initial shock upon hearing of the recalls. “The truth of the matter is that I, as an individual, first learned about the first wave of recalls from a friend in the diaspora,” he recounted, emphasizing his disbelief and the steps he took to verify the information. He expressed his astonishment at learning that Tshabangu, who he pointed out was not the interim secretary-general (SG) of CCC, had indeed signed the recall letters without consulting key party figures.

The acting president shared his personal turmoil during the second wave of recalls, which coincided with the mourning period for his late mother. Despite the claims, Ncube’s efforts to reach out to Tshabangu for clarification only added to the confusion, particularly regarding the number of people recalled. This episode, according to Ncube, illustrated a significant communication breakdown within the party, challenging the notion that Tshabangu was acting under his or Biti’s influence.

Addressing the broader context of the CCC’s internal strife, Ncube acknowledged the deep-seated differences and challenges facing the party. He highlighted the urgency of addressing these issues, including the “Tshabangu issue” and the related legal battles, to move forward. The acting president admitted that the party had been unable to convene its key decision-making bodies, such as the standing committee and the national council, due to the suspensions, a situation that has hindered dialogue and resolution of the party’s ideological differences.

As Zimbabwe faces a critical juncture in its political journey, the CCC’s internal turmoil represents a significant test for Ncube’s leadership and the party’s cohesion. Ncube’s commitment to confronting these challenges head-on reflects the urgency of the moment, as the opposition seeks to navigate through its internal divisions and present a unified front against the ruling government. The interview with Cite not only provided Ncube a platform to refute the allegations against him but also to outline his vision for overcoming the party’s current crises and steering it toward a more united and effective future.