Police Clash with Zanu-PF Youth in Goromonzi Farm Invasion

January 13, 2023
zimbabwepolice | Report Focus News

Yesterday, police and an estimated 1,000 Zanu-PF youth clashed in Goromonzi over a farm invasion.

The youth had allegedly invaded the farm, Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lyndhurst Farm, and allocated land to themselves. Several of the youth were arrested and the area was tense.

The farm, which is reportedly owned by a former top State security officer, was promised to the youth by ruling party officials.

The youth invaded the farm in frustration after party officials dithered on the promise. The farm is located near Epworth, and the invasion caused tension between Epworth squatters and the invaders. The incident is being investigated by police. In the past, Zanu-PF has been accused of using land to gain voter support.